The answers to that can fill dozens of books, thousands of articles and a multitude of morning TV show segments. As couples, in tough times, we dig deep. In easy times, we don’t really think about what it is that we need to do. In glorious times, we give thanks.
One of my favorite movie scenes is from Parenthood when the grandmother talks about going on a roller coaster with her husband. (Click the link to watch it.)
After 23 years of marriage, Dan and I have had a multitude of ups and downs. We have had times that were excruciatingly tough, and times filled with joys and blessings. Through it all we have learned to lean on each other as we lean on God.
In the past year, though, as the Married People ministry began, Dan and I have seen through our own experience that we have grown so much happier. And other couples have as well. Whether it’s the date nights in a bag or dinners like the upcoming dinner February 8, we have laughed, learned about each other, and grown in our relationship with God. Most of all we have remembered the joy of the ride.
We invite you to join us and others as we kickoff the year with our Valentine Rehearsal Dinner next Friday. We’ll set the table and prepare. You just come enjoy the night. You will have a great meal, meet new friends, laugh together, and leave with a great date night idea for your Valentine and you to do in the days or weeks to come. Cost is $45 per couple and childcare is provided. We can’t wait to see you and enjoy the ride with you. To register please click HERE.