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The Women of Chapel Hill: A Series of Interviews – On the Record with Olive Owens

Holly McNatt

"How long have you been at Chapel Hill?"

OLIVE: I started virtually! I held zoom calls twice a month with the youth in March of 2021 – I began officially in person that June!

"What initially drew you to this church?"

OLIVE: My (at the time) fiancé got stationed at Tinker and I immediately looked for a job in ministry nearby. I found came across Chapel Hill during my search, applied, and fell in love with the congregation and ministry here!

"Do you have a favorite Bible verse?"

OLIVE: I do! It’s actually written on my class ring. Isaiah 41:10 says, "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."

"Is there a day that you would consider to be the best day of your life?"

OLIVE: Seeing Brian walk out of the hospital in Greece.

(My heart ached a little when she said this. I can imagine that she must have felt very glad that day. If you don't know the story, you should ask her!)

"What is your life's work?"

OLIVE: To serve God in whatever capacity he needs me in; right now, it’s with the youth. My mother’s favorite hymn is “Here I am Lord” and it's now in my top five. I really try to embody that song and will sing it almost daily everywhere.

(And she has a beautiful voice – just for the record!)

"Do you have any advice for the younger generation? I think you're probably one of the best people equipped to have this dialogue."

OLIVE: Ask questions. (Reference these verses below: Matthew 7:7 and Proverbs 18:1*.) Don’t be afraid to satisfy your thirst for knowledge and ask the hard questions – it’s the only way to create a firm foundation that cannot be shaken! I hope you stump me; I want to spend hours diving into conversations and rereading passages of the Bible. He wants you to seek wisdom through knowledge and you will forever be grateful for doing so. It is my greatest joy to say “I don’t know” and follow up with “but lets find out.”

"What do you feel has been your biggest contribution to Chapel Hill?"

OLIVE: I give all glory to God. My pride is watching the youth become the best that they can be, whatever that is, by introducing His Love, Grace, and Word to them. My favorite moments are listening to them gush about relationships and schoolwork, complain about daily problems, talk about their favorite foods, and just being a part of their growth. It truly is an honor to be even a footnote in their lives. Glory be to God!

Amen! We thank you Almighty God for the strong leader that Olive is for our youth – for her courage, her curiosity, her excellent heart and wisdom beyond her years.



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8:30am and 11:00am 




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