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The Women of Chapel Hill: A Series of Interviews – A Little Bit of Life with Beth Hammack

Holly McNatt

"How long have you been at Chapel Hill?"

BETH: For 49 years! I was pregnant with my first son when I began attending.

"What initially drew you to this church?"

BETH: They had a really good children's and youth program. This was back in the 70's when it was a brand new church, led by Dr. Rogers. I really liked everyone I met right away. A church is truly about its people, not the building.

"Do you have a favorite Bible verse?"

BETH: Psalm 118:24 "This is the day that the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it." It's a verse that shaped me growing up, one that my mom would always say.

"Is there a day that you would consider to be the best day of your life?"

BETH: The birth of my two children; when you have a child, it feels miraculous. Now I have a wonderful son, a daughter and a stepdaughter – plus 6 grandsons!

"What is your life's work?"

BETH: I've enjoyed being a professional painter for many years.

"What is your medium? Style?"

BETH: Realism to extraction. Oils, acrylics, charcoal. Linear, mixed multi-media. My painting is absolutely tied to my spirituality. I almost always listen to music while I'm creating. Something comes through you and you can't explain it. It’s a gift given from God and...with those gifts, you aren't happy unless you put them to use.

"Do you have any advice for the younger generation?"

BETH: Yes! Turn off your phones. I think it was Dr. Norman Neaves [a UMC minister] who said right now we’re being forced to live in a fast, horizontal world. Go vertical! Live above the fray and lift yourself up out of the muck and the mire. Christianity doesn’t need more conflict among each other. And as far as technology goes, limit your time on it and only utilize it in a way that makes you feel good.

"I'm pretty sure I know the answer to this already, but what do you feel has been your biggest contribution to Chapel Hill?"

BETH: I've been involved with Whiz Kids for 16 years now. Chapel Hill started it 25 years ago. With the help of Joan, Nancy and other site coordinators, it's been a very successful ministry for this church!

Lord, thank you for the wisdom, dedication and light that Beth has brought to Chapel Hill for so long – she is an incredible artist, mother and woman of faith!



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8:30am and 11:00am 




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Oklahoma City, OK 73120


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