This Sunday, Mark’s message hinges on the hope we have because of the resurrection of Jesus. When I think of hope and resurrection, I can’t help but think of the hope I have for the future of our Children’s Ministry. The graph below outlines the growth we have seen over the fall and winter.

This far exceeds what we would anticipate as just seasonal rebound. I can say with out hesitation that this is GROWTH. What is even more exciting, I think, is that a large percentage of that growth has been in our youngest children! Through prayer, consistency and relationship with families we have been able to greatly increase the number of little hearts we get the opportunity to shepherd.
For us, nothing is beyond hope. Nothing is beyond the power of God. Walking into a room, that was only months ago very quiet, and is now full of wonderfully made (and sometimes, wonderfully noisy) children is living proof. It’s a reminder that even as much as we love these children, God loves them even more.
Watching a room full of preschoolers excitedly reciting their memory verse: “How wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ.” Ephesians 3:18, NIV, is overwhelmingly hopeful. The way the spirit is moving in our Children’s Ministry is undeniable.

Our children need you. Their families need you. We know from research that children who have at least one Godly adult, outside of their parents, who spends
time with them at church, will be exponentially more likely to remain connected to a church body as they grow. I don’t have to tell you that this is invaluable. This is what we pray for our children every day.
No matter your skill set, we have opportunities for you to plug in. Consider this your invitation: I’d love to have coffee with you and share the story that God is writing in the lives of our children and their families and share how you can be a part of it!