As followers of Christ, we are called to pray without ceasing. Unfortunately, we have arrived at a time in the life of the church where we need to honor that command by God now more than ever before. Chapel Hill has decided to enter the discernment process and it seems that anxiety and tension fill our halls and sanctuary. The best way to relieve those feelings simply to pray, both individually and as a community.
During these days and months to come, please pray for our Holy Conversations Team, clergy, and staff, as these groups will have to participate in difficult conversations that will shape the future of Chapel Hill. Also, pray for your fellow congregants and other needs of the church. Regardless of what is going on, we should continue to earnestly pray for each other and seek to help each other whenever we can.
Let’s pray using the model Jesus gives us in Matthew 7:7-8 — ask, seek, and find. Ask Jesus for decisions to be made. Seek the Lord for guidance during this discernment process.
Find a church at Chapel Hill that is united, free from division and filled with peace